Wednesday, May 21, 2008

South East Asia Highlights

I have finally gotten around to downloading our photos from our time in South East Asia. It truly was an amazing trip and such a beautiful part of the world. Each country has its own charm, culture, history and character and we really enjoyed experiencing it all. There's just too much to go in to so I've decided to show some trip highlights through pictures. Oh, and after Cambodia, we went back to Bangkok and I must say we left with a much better impression of the city than last time. OK, enjoy the photos!


Bangkok Skyline

River House

Eating a Grasshopper!

Tuk-Tuk (local taxi)

Elephant ride in Chiang Mai

Buddhist Temple

"Sleeping Buddha"

"Big Buddha"

Grand Palace


Ultra modern Buddhist temple

Sunset on the Mekong River

Local village along the Mekong

Village kids

Night Markets in Luang Prubang

Luang Prubang

Pigs in a tuk-tuk

Laos Theatre

Day Markets

Sunset on the Mekong River

Paul playing with the village kids during our overnight stay


Halong Bay


"Uncle Ho's" Mausoleum

Family of four on a motor bike

Incense maker

Monk student

Hoi An

My Son (4th Century ancient ruins)

Bad Ass biker- BEWARE!

Cyclo Paul

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Cu Chi Tunnels


Angkor Wat


Preah Khan (Jungle Temple)

Bayon Temple

Phenom Phen

The Killing Fields (warning- sensitive images)

Walking on bones (the white specs in the dirt- it's everywhere)

Mass Graves

Siem Reap

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