Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Holy crap. I'm 30.

As I'm writing this I *think* I'm hyperventilating. I'm anxious, flustered, jittery = FREAKING OUT. Why? It's just a number?!?! But seriously, after our 21st or even 25th, do we really need to count anymore? We're getting older every year- do we really need confirmation with an annual tally?

For some unknown reason it’s hard to shut the door on my beloved 20’s. After all, my twenties were some of the greatest times of my life; those crazy college days, parties that lasted all night and well in to the morning, becoming my own person, making lifelong friends, starting my career, falling in love, getting married, moving overseas, travelling… well, you get the point. There were a lot of great things that happened to me in those carefree, youthful days so is it really so bad that I might want to hold on to that a bit longer?

In reality I don't think turning 30 will change my life; however, I do believe entering a new decade will change my lifestyle. My priorities are starting to change and it does feel like it's time to take the next step in life. I’ve enjoyed living overseas, being able to travel on a whim, saving money and all the glory that comes with being young and free from care but I think the time has come to ‘settle down’ in my old age (ha!). Our adventures living abroad will soon end (for now) and life back in the US will resume. Hopefully there will be a few kids in the picture, a home and of course the ugliest three-legged dog we can rescue.

So maybe that’s why I’m freaking out a bit… in a way a chapter in my life is closing but a new one is just starting. I do know that I shouldn't be freaking out about my birthday. Today is a celebration of my life and thirty will surely bring even more happy and amazing times. Perhaps the fun is even just beginning? Life is what you make of it and everything that has happened these past thirty years have made me, me. I have learned a lot, experience much and look forward to what the future holds. I'll continue to find the simple joys that make every day special, live the best possible life that I can lead, be true to myself and my spirit, hopefully make a difference in the world, love my family and friends, and maybe even share some of my wisdom with those Gen Y-ers!

And since Australia is in the "future" from my actual birth place (thanks to the huge time difference) I’m going to celebrate my birthday twice simply because it’s my party and I can if I want to!

So, goodbye 20's and hello 30’s.




Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Holly!! I'm right there behind you on this big milestone...

Casey said...

Hope you had a great day Holly! Heck- don't just party twice- I say party the whole darn month!

Anonymous said...

Holly, I'm sorry I missed it but Happy Birthday! Hope it was great!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Holly.

I gave you a little plug on my blog. I had seen it before, but today, someone linked to an earlier post and that linked to you.

Great to see you have had such a good time in Sydney (I'm in the Southern Highlands myself).

A nice, positive blog like yours gives we old grumps a reason to ponder and appreciate things. Great blog :-)

Holly said...

Thanks, everyone! I had a great birthday :)

Glad to hear you're enjoying my blog, Phil. Thanks for the plug!!