Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy One Year Anniversary To Us!

This weekend we're celebrating our anniversary. On October 28th it will be one year of wedded bliss. So, we're heading off to the Blue Mountains for a country getaway. I'll be sure to take some pictures and post later. We're staying at a pretty flash place so it should be a nice little holiday.

In honor of celebrating our one year wedding anniversary, here are some thoughts on marriage:

A good marriage is a partnership. It's trusting, laughing and knowing when to compromise. It's remembering what matters and forgetting what doesn't. It's filling life with what you love and loving who you're with. It's a love that's nurtured by every day moments. Quick, little kisses, doing things together, quiet talks at the end of a busy day. It's the little things like these that make love great.

And for a little reminiscing, here are some photos from that wonderful day:

*Photos by Michael Graham

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